Hilborn at the 38th annual Sustainable Agriculture Conference, 2023.
I have over two decades of experience speaking to audiences around the world. I champion local food, healthy land, healthy people and animals. Book me for an in-person or virtual speaking engagement and learn how we can all thrive in the 21st Century.
*Support Pollinators to Reduce the Effects of Climate Change. Abundance Foundation, Climate Carnival, Pittsboro, North Carolina. 2017. *Insect survival, our survival. Pecha Kucha, Pittsboro, North Carolina. 2017.*Native & Low-input Fruit Production in the Mid-Atlantic Region. 38th Annual Sustainable Agriculture Conference. Durham, North Carolina, 2023. *One Health in action: environmental considerations. Duke Global Health Institute. Durham, North Carolina, 2016. *Perennial Food Plants for the 21st Century. North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine, Raleigh, North Carolina. 2010. *One Health –How Public Health Solutions Transcend Disciplines. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 2009.
Contact me for speaker requests.